Media Career

Media Career2024-03-10T10:31:09+00:00

Aliza Lavie’s career in media began in 1990 in the Israeli Heritage Department at Channel 1 on the current affairs shows “Combinations” and “The Month”. She continued her career at Channel 1 within the Israeli Heritage Department, appearing on “Good Morning Israel” , “7:30”, and various special programs. She also starred on the Voice of Israel radio show “A Feminine Perspective with Aliza and Ronit” with Ronit Lev-Ari. After leaving Channel 1, Aliza became editor and host of a weekly show about Jewish culture called “Permission Granted” on Channel 10. Additionally, Lavie regularly writes opinions pieces on various topics related to gender, media, Israel, and Judaism.

The relationship between gender and the media continues to be the central focus of MK Lavie. She continues to be active in women’s advancement and equality in the entire country and in the media particularly. She was the Associate Editor of the Politics, Media, and Society Journal, published by the School of Communication at Bar-Ilan University, and a content consultant for the center of TV and radio at the Second Broadcasting Authority.

להזמנת הרצאות שלחו הודעה

ליצירת קשר או להזמנת הרצאות אנא חייגו 03-7208856 או השאירו פרטים ונשיב בהקדם האפשרי

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