Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements2025-01-20T10:55:47+00:00
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Aliza Lavie is recognized as one of the most dominant advocate on Jewish Culture in Israel, the Role of Women in Judaism, Israel-Diaspora Relations, and Pluralism in Israel. She regularly inspires audiences, change makers, and thought leaders at some of the most prestigious conferences and seminars around the globe. Her speaking engagements are highlighted by gripping stories, effective strategies and a highly motivational message that won’t soon be forgotten.


Repairing a Broken World (Tikkun Olam for a Nation at War)

There’s no doubt that we are living in distressing times. The events of October 7th and the subsequent war, an ongoing hostage crisis, rising anti-Semitism, the political divide within the US and between the US & Israel, etc.

The concept of “Tikkun Olam”, as originally seen in the Mishna & Talmud, offers ways to repair and work towards a better future, on personal, national, and global levels.

Aliza Lavie takes her audience on a journey combining primary sources, models of leadership, and her own experience as a former Member of Knesset; offering messages of solace and hope for a better world.

Today’s Leadership Crisis: Lessons & Wisdom from Generations of Jewish Female Leadership

Political instability; social reforms; daily demonstrations and mass protests; increasing religious disconnect; widening polarization. There’s no doubt that we are in the midst of a leadership crisis both in Israel and in the United States.

There is nothing going on today that we have not experienced before. This is why it is crucial to learn from the past, to become familiar with the stories of our leaders from previous generations and incorporate their wisdom into our lives today.

Aliza Lavie has spent years researching models of Jewish female leadership, and brings her expertise into the discussion today. She looks at figures such as Devorah the Judge, Queen Esther, Miriam the Prophetess, and the outstanding women featured in her book Iconic Jewish Women, to show how our foremothers dealt with adversity of all kinds and what we can learn from them.

Love, Pray Eat: Workshop for the Jewish Calendar.
A look at the holidays, Jewish women, customs & rituals

How does one prepare for Jewish festivals? Is there a recommended type of preparation – is it even possible to prepare?

What did previous generations do in their communities to get ready for the holidays? What was the role of women specifically with regards to the holidays?

Join Aliza Lavie for a workshop about traditions and nostalgia, secrets about the power of love, prayer and food in our Jewish story.

A unique approach exploring the colorful traditions of different communities throughout the ages.

Saving the Agunot: A Look into Israel’s Revolutionary Legislation that Can Help the Global Agunah Crisis

Thanks to a bill proposed by then-MK Aliza Lavie, Israel’s rabbinical court is now the only rabbinical court in the world that has the legal power to take action against get-refusers, even for non-citizens who do not reside in Israel. Learn about the history of the agunah situation, the process of passing this important bill and what still needs to be developed.

The Forgotten Women in Jewish History

They weren’t looking for fame or recognition.

They each saw the need to stand up and take responsibility for their communities and for the nation.

We will look at some of the most remarkable women in Jewish history who saw a need and made remarkable achievements.

Scientists, scholars, resistance fighters, poets, writers and more.

Together, we will rediscover their stories and learn from their legacies.

Dr. Aliza Lavie, a literary pioneer, has created a groundbreaking new genre that connects us to our deepest Jewish heritage. Her five highly successful books offer a fresh perspective on Jewish tradition, inspiring readers and enriching their understanding. Lavie invites us on a fascinating journey through time, providing relevant insights for our contemporary lives. Through her work, she encourages us to explore our identity and discover a deeper meaning in life

“Hear the instruction of thy father, and do not forsake the Torah of the mother” [Mishlei 1:8-19]:

What is the difference in meaning between “The instruction of the father” and “The Torah of the mother”?

The link between personal prayer and public prayer since October 7:

Thoughts for the new year

Bringing back the Jewish female voice:

As a tool to dismantle anti-Semitism

The Secret Code Found in A Jewish Woman’s Prayer Book:

The prayers of generations of Jewish mothers and grandmothers, reflecting their longings and feelings, are being rediscovered. Men and women alike are adopting women’s prayers at moments of joy and in times of grief, in private devotion and in congregational services. We shall explore how and why Jewish women’s prayers are at the center of a cultural reawakening, being set to music, recited, and dramatized.

Miriam the prophetess: Revealing the Woman Behind the Scene

Miriam the prophetess is widely perceived as a central feminine leadership figure, despite the scarceness of Biblical text about her. According to the Midrash, generations of Jewish women have invoked the miraculous waters of the well which accompanied the Children of Israel in the wilderness, through her merit. We’ll explore what the Torah hides, what the Midrash reveals, and why Jewish women have traditionally celebrated Miriam and her waters.

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להזמנת הרצאות שלחו הודעה

ליצירת קשר או להזמנת הרצאות אנא חייגו 03-7208856 או השאירו פרטים ונשיב בהקדם האפשרי

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